Quality Public Education for All New Jersey Students


     January 2005
1-19-05 Advocacy Alert
SENATE BI PARTISAN SPONSORSHIP for S1701 amendment legislation IS NEEDED NOW in order to provide any relief to districts for FY06. GSCS requests your help on advocating with key leadership on this and requests that you send your signed email request for on this as follows:

sencodey@njleg.org, senbryant@njleg.org

Dear Acting Governor Codey and Senator Bryant, Senate Budget Committee Chair & member, Senate Education Committee:

We ask for your help and consideration for quality education for all kids. It is up to you. Time is fleeting , yet schools will not be relieved of any of the unintended consequences of S1701 unless you enlist Senate sponsorship to amend S1701 now.

Thank you in advance for listening.


___________________________________________________ [your name & address]