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3-19-08 GSCS Testimony on State Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009

Garden State Coalition of Schools/GSCS

Testimony before the Assembly Budget and Appropriations Committees

State Budget FY08

March 19, 2008, Liberty Science Center

Good morning, Mr. Chairman, and members of the Committee.  I am Lynne Strickland, Executive Director of the Garden State Coalition of Schools. Today GSCS represents a range of school districts throughout the state—from lower to middle to upper income districts—that share a common denominator interest in and support for quality public education. Together our member districts serve well over 400,000 children.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide brief comments before you today on the State Budget for FY2009.

School Funding Reform Act of 2008

These are daunting times for many in NJ education as we deal with public school funding and the frustrations and unknowns of a new school funding formula.  The School Funding Reform Act of 2008 is a brand new law with no regulations to guide districts in the first year of its implementation. While the formula does need amending, we also appreciate that a number of districts throughout the state, including some GSCS members, have benefited from the state’s actions so far.  Not only are schools among the few areas not being cut in the Governor’s proposed budget, they also are receiving increased aid overall.  Also, parts of the formula have the ability to impact districts more fairly in the future.  We also understand that the Legislature and the Governor are embroiled in serious state debt issues.


For these reasons the Garden State Coalition of Schools would like to work cooperatively with the Legislature to bring about needed amendments to the new funding formula. To that end we are organized to take whatever appropriate, effective course of action is needed to bring about positive change for all NJ districts.  We salute the Assembly Education Committee for seeking feedback from school districts on the impact of the formula.  We also applaud the Legislature for indicating, when the law was adopted, that amendments would be made as needed to improve it.


Proposed Changes


As we continue to analyze the impact of the 2008 School Funding Reform Act on our member districts, as well as on education in general in New Jersey, GSCS anticipates developing and promoting specific amendments— hopefully in the near future— that are based on the experiences and specific suggestions of our member districts.


• We believe the formula treats all districts the same and does not recognize fiscal prudence, efficiency, effectiveness and achievement.  Attaining the state’s educational and fiscal goals is not honored or rewarded in the formula, to the disservice to many of our member districts.


• We are concerned that the formula does not provide any financial help, seed money or cap waivers for districts that would like to provide full-day kindergarten, but that cannot because of space and fiscal constraints. Full-day kindergartens are endorsed by the state and will be needed by districts required to provide full-day pre-school programs.


• GSCS is reaching out to special education groups to gather information on funding issues that affect all districts, such as the equalization of special education aid and the impact of the census approach on funding.


• We continue to work towards Legislative change regarding the 60% majority needed for the passage of second questions.


• We are strongly advocating for immediate release by the DOE of regulations for implementation of the funding formula.  The waiver process must be vetted openly and challenged where necessary.  And it must be in place for use in developing the 2009-10 school budgets next year.


We look forward to working with you on changes to the funding formula that will help our public schools reach further efficiencies while maintaining quality education in NJ.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of GSCS' concerns, comments and suggestions.