Quality Public Education for All New Jersey Students


     Property Tax Reform, Special Legislative Session & School Funding
2-20-07 GSCS Press Conference today announcing coalition's expansion with joining of AMID districts
PRESS ADVISORY 7 RELEASE - Garden State Coalition of Schools/GSCS 'A grassroots, statewide coalition of communities and schools composed of parents – school board members – educators'


Speakers are:

Senator John Adler Senator Barbara Buono Assemblyman Joe Malone GSCS Executive Director Lynne Strickland Association of Middle Income Districts Acting President, Bruce Quinn

GSCS PRESS CONFERENCE TUESDAY, 2-20-07 , 11 a.m. Statehouse Committee Room 7

The focus of the press conference is threefold:

•To announce the joining of GSCS by the Association of Middle Income Districts, which will take effect immediately. This joining of forces, with the additional representation of hundreds of schools - low and middle income school districts - to the GSCS roster, under the aegis of the GSCS, will reach further into communities and Trenton, and impact New Jersey's great debate of school funding and property taxes more sharply.

•To make clear the 'new' GSCS shorter term issues regarding the absolute need for stable, structured system of state aid for FY07-08, and longer term approach to a school funding rationale and formula that looks to serve the best interests of both public education and local property taxpayers. In not addressing the school funding formula this year as part of the property tax package, GSCS believes that the state has failed to do its job to curtail property tax increases while assuring that quality public education programs remain secure.

•To serve notice to the Statehouse that this context of flat state aid for the past 5 years, for approximately 550 regular operating school districts sets a 'common denominator' that binds us together to seek acknowledgement and action from Trenton.

Excerpt from Association of Middle Income District (AMID) statement at press conference: "AMID is pleased to join the Garden State Coalition of Schools to speak as one voice for the school districts of New Jersey. ..New Jersey needs one comprehensive school funding plan, one that is fair to all schools, students and taxpayers of our state. Six years of an aid freeze, and reliance on outdated information about our enrollments and local conditions, is enough...." Bruce Quinn

Excerpt from GSCS Executive Director Lynne Strickland comments: "…GSCS welcomes the AMID school communities as members of the 'new' GSCS. Our towns and schools (which will now number approximately 160 dues-paying members) - more than ever - share a broad common denominator concern for stable school funding which is past due and needed in order to maintain and promote quality education, as well as to temper recurring property tax spikes. The new GSCS is unified in its determination to let Trenton know where its members stand and to hear from Trenton what clear measures it will take, starting now, to correct this six year course of turning a deaf ear to the needs of 550 regular operating school and their communities throughout the state…”