Quality Public Education for All New Jersey Students


GSCS Funding Options Proposal June 2011
Note: Option #1 was implemented in revised State Budget for FY12

Garden State Coalition  - State Budget FY’12 – Additional Funding Options/School Aid


GSCS Website 6-22-11:
There are reasonable ways to reach all districts – as well as provide funding to  the Under Adequacy  districts -  to help reach all districts with some school funding this year


1.      $100M  - for all districts [except Abbotts/already taken care of by Sup Ct decision] - Jump up the Governor’s proposal for FY’12 State  Budget  from ‘step 1 of the giveback’ of the state aid cut last year to a ‘step 2 giveback’. Since Abbotts are already to be fully  funded, the giveback would only cost approx $100M . The’ step 1giveback’ was based on 20% return of the state aid cut from last year, or 1% of the 5% budget reductions taken from all districts.


2.      $28.7M - Extraordinary Aid to Special Education is currently prorated to 85% in the Governor’s proposed budget. To reach 100% full funding for this aid category costs approximately $28.7M more. This is fair since Extraordinary Aid for Special Education goes to disabled children directly, no matter where they reside.


3.      $23.9M - Debt Service aid to districts has been reduced by 15% in the Governor’s proposed budget –restore that funding to 100%. These funds were incorporated and published (legal requirement) when voted on by local communities as they approved school facilities bonds.

GSCS 6-11