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NJ Spotlight--Although COVID-19 cases rise in state, NJ schools move back to in-person learning
John Mooney, Education writer | October 22, 2020 | Education, Coronavirus in NJ
NJ Spotlight--See the latest plans for your school district: remote, in-person or hybrid
Here are the plans approved by the state Department of Education as of Oct. 19
NJ Spotlight News | October 22, 2020 | Education, Coronavirus in NJ
Press of Atlantic City--Virtual learning forces teachers to think of new ways to present lessons
Mark Melhorn| October 23, 2020
Education Week--CDC Clarifies '15-Minute Rule' for Social Distancing
Sarah D. Sparks on October 22, 2020 8:06 AM
Chalkbeat--As more students head back, here’s what we now know (and still don’t) about schools and COVID spread
Matt Barnum Oct 22, 2020, 1:24pm EDT
Chalkbeat--For students with disabilities, a return to schools means more learning and needed services — even if nothing’s normal yet
Kalyn Belsha Oct 22, 2020, 6:42pm EDT
Education Dive--How deeply will digital learning transform K-12 long term?
Roger Riddell @EdDiveRoger | Oct. 22, 2020
Edutopia--Staff Meetings Get a Needed Makeover During the Pandemic
Educators across the country share their insights on how the pandemic has forced them to change staff meetings—for the better.
Emelina Minero| October 22, 2020