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10-29-19 Education in the News

NJ Spotlight--Declining Enrollment of Asian and Hispanic Children in State Medicaid Program

New report suggests fear among immigrant families over Trump administration policies may have contributed to the drop

Family Care — New Jersey’s Medicaid program — has lost nearly 50,000 youngsters in the past year and a half alone, according to a new study.

The number of children enrolled in New Jersey Family Care — the state’s Medicaid program — is now at a five-year low, having lost nearly 50,000 youngsters in the past year and a half alone, according to a new study. But all racial groups have not fared the same.


Lilo H. Stainton | October 29, 2019 | Health Care


Education Dive--3 best practices for addressing hate and prejudice on school grounds

A strong culture against intolerance is key to prevention, but some experts say administrators aren't prepared for these incidents.

Hate crimes have been on the rise nationally for three consecutive years, and schools have not been immune to spillover in the classroom.


Naaz Modan| Oct. 28, 2019



Education Week--Principals, Have You Met These Parents in Your School?


Lawnmower or Snowplow

Parents who “mow” down or clear obstacles their child could face, going to sometimes extreme lengths to ensure their child avoids disappointment and only experiences success.



“Hovering” and overprotective parents who are involved in every minute aspect of their child’s life, including their schooling and academics.



Parents with an authoritarian style who demand high achievement from their children in school, sports, music, and other extracurricular activities. These parents view leisure as a waste of time. This term was popularized by author Amy Chua.



Nurturing and protective parents who place a high value on encouragement and empathy.



Permissive parents who have few rules and expectations for their children and may overindulge them.



Firm, but flexible parents who strive to balance the enforcement of rules and expectations with nurturing creativity and independence in their kids.



Parents who encourage their children to be more independent, with the goal of developing their self-reliance.


Education Week| October 15, 2019


Education Week--What Principals Can Do When Parents and Teachers Clash

Conflict between parents and teachers is not uncommon and principals need some essential skills to manage it fairly

A principal's job tests skills that seldom show up in a training program.

Among them: balancing on the tightrope stretched between the needs of teachers and of parents, particularly when the two parties are at odds.


Christina A. Samuels|October 15, 2019



Chalkbeat--Political arm of charter-friendly group The City Fund has $15 million — and is now spending on school board races

The political arm of The City Fund, the organization with ambitions to spread charter schools and the “portfolio model” of school reform across the country, plans to spend $15 million to influence state and local elections over the next three years.

That political group, known as Public School Allies, has already directed money toward to school board races in Atlanta, Camden, Newark, and St. Louis, and  state elections in Louisiana, Georgia, and New Jersey. Donations have ranged from $1 million to as little as $1,500.


Matt Barnum  -  October 24, 2019