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8-29-17 Education in the News

Star Ledger--See how this city school district was able to cut suspensions in half

CAMDEN -- When misbehaving students receive punishments other than out-of-school suspensions, that means they spend more time in classrooms learning.

At Camden City schools during the last school year, students spent an extra 6,642 days sitting at their desks instead of out on suspensions, compared to previous school years.

That's according to numbers from the district, which announced Thursday that its district-wide effort to reduce the number of suspensions is working.

The total number of suspensions was down 53 percent, the district said, and the number of school days missed for suspensions was down 72 percent.


Rebecca Everett| Updated on August 28, 2017 at 9:23 AM Posted on August 28, 2017 at 7:41 AM


Education Week--More Americans Give Top Grades to Public Schools

Americans' support for public schools has risen in the last year—across the country and across the political spectrum—but the public also wants schools to go beyond academics to provide more career and student health supports, according to the 49th annual education poll by Phi Delta Kappa International.

The percentage of Americans rating K-12 education quality—at both the national and local levels—at an "A" or "B" is the highest it's been since the 1980s.


Sarah D. Sparks| August 28, 2017


Education Week--New Federal Rule Could Force States to Lower Graduation Rates

Under ESSA, some states face prospect of having to lower graduation numbers

A little-noticed change in the country's main federal education law could force many states to lower their high school graduation rates, a politically explosive move no state would relish.

Indiana is the first state to be caught in the crosshairs of the law's new language, but other states are likely to be affected soon. The resulting debate could throw a sharp spotlight on a topic that's been lurking in the wings: the wildly varying levels of accomplishment signified by a high school diploma.

"This is about to become a national issue," said Phillip Lovell, the policy director of the Alliance for Excellent Education, an advocacy group that focuses on high school issues.


Catherine Gewertz| August 25, 2017