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3-19-18 Education in the News

NJ Spotlight--Giving State’s Vo-Techs the Space — and Seats— to Accommodate More Students

Proposed bond issue would help vocational-technical schools deliver what New Jersey manufacturers need most, skilled workers that will help them flourish

The number of high school students seeking a vocational-technical education instead of going the college-prep route is rising in New Jersey, a trend that comes as many companies are looking for workers with specific skills instead of a college degree. Vocational-technical high schools in all 21 counties could help bridge the gap, but they’ve been facing a space crunch, so state lawmakers are stepping in with a proposed bond issue that would help pay for new classrooms and other facilities.


John Reitmeyer | March 19, 2018


NJ Spotlight--The List: For These 10 Districts, More School Aid Still Means Much Less

Gov. Murphy wants to boost school aid to most districts, but many would still get significantly less than they would if fully funded under state formula

The good news from Gov. Phil Murphy’s budget proposal is that nearly all New Jersey public school districts would share in the $283 million in addition aid he recommended.

The bad news is that almost 92 percent of those districts are getting less money than they are supposed to under the state’s school-funding formula. According to data released by the state Department of Education, districts are getting about $809 million — or 9 percent — less than they should under the 2008 School Funding Reform Act. And those numbers include caps allowed by the law. Were caps not in place, the underfunding of the SFRA would be even higher, though by how much is unclear, as the DOE did not release that data.


Colleen O'Dea | March 19, 2018


The Record--Editorial: Phil Murphy begins to give New Jersey public education its due

While there might be some hand-wringing in Trenton among fiscal hawks in response to Gov. Phil Murphy’s proposed big-spending, high-tax budget, one group that will not be complaining much is the state’s public education community, which had been starved for resources for several years. Indeed, former Gov. Chris Christie spent much more time publicly denigrating teachers and their unions than he did trying to consider ways to properly fund public schools.

Last Tuesday, Murphy, in his first budget address, signaled there will be a change in thinking on the matter, and dollars to back up the rhetoric. Murphy’s ambitious $37.4 billion spending plan for FY 2019 boosts aid to schools by $283 million, up 3.5 percent from a year earlier.


NorthJersey Published 6:15 a.m. ET March 17, 2018 | Updated 11:12 a.m. ET March 17, 2018


Asbury Park Press--Murphy facing strong headwinds from fellow Democrats: Editorial

It was obvious from the muted applause Gov. Phil Murphy received from fellow Democrats during his budget address last week that he wasn't going to have an easy time pushing through many of his spending initiatives.

Murphy exhibited no restraint with an extravagant budget that was 7.2 percent higher than the previous year's.  He also showed no inclination to look for ways to reduce government spending.  Those who feared he would end up being a warmed-over Jon Corzine would have to be excused for concluding that it may be worse than that. He appears to be a Corzine on steroids. 

If the Legislature turns Murphy loose with the state's (i.e., taxpayers') credit card, the shopping spree will send New Jersey's into a deeper, downward fiscal spiral. The Legislature must not let that happen. 


Asbury Park Press Published 3:32 p.m. ET March 16, 2018 | Updated 10:32 a.m. ET March 18, 2018