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11-30-17 Education in the News

Education Week--Betsy DeVos Sounds Off on Workforce Readiness, Alternatives to College

School choice remains a central part of the policy message from U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, but in recent appearances she also has emphasized the need for learning pathways beyond the usual post-high school route.

President Donald Trump tapped Betsy DeVos to be U.S. secretary of education one year ago, on Nov. 23, 2016. At the time, she was expected to focus primarily on school choice. One year later, Congress hasn't really embraced that agenda. But DeVos has broadened her message, talking about issues like apprenticeships and alternatives to traditional four-year college.

At the same time, she hasn't backed off school choice, despite setbacks. She's made it clear she plans to stick around for Trump's entire term, despite rumors to the contrary.


Alyson Klein| November 28, 2017


Education Week--Where the House and Senate GOP Tax Bills Differ on Education

It's crunch time for the Republican tax overhaul bills. But will education and educators get squeezed when the clock expires?

GOP senators are trying to reach a final vote on a tax package in the next few days. Then they can huddle with House Republican lawmakers—who have already passed their own tax bill—and hammer out a final bill to take back to each chamber. Ideally they want to finish work and send a bill to President Donald Trump before Christmas. But right now, the bills don't treat K-12 issues exactly the same. Here are a few key differences between them.


Andrew Ujifusa on November 29, 2017 11:44 AM