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1-31-17 Education in the News

NY Times--Wanted: Factory Workers, Degree Required

Siemens Energy struggled to find qualified workers when it opened a gas turbine production plant in Charlotte, N.C. Credit Siemens Energy Inc.

When the German engineering company Siemens Energy opened a gas turbine production plant in Charlotte, N.C., some 10,000 people showed up at a job fair for 800 positions. But fewer than 15 percent of the applicants were able to pass a reading, writing and math screening test geared toward a ninth-grade education.

“In our factories, there’s a computer about every 20 or 30 feet,” said Eric Spiegel, who recently retired as president and chief executive of Siemens U.S.A. “People on the plant floor need to be much more skilled than they were in the past. There are no jobs for high school graduates at Siemens today.”




Wall Street Journal--DeVos Set to Take Over Education System Where Test Scores Have Stalled

A lack of improvement on reading and math scores could provide validation for Betsy DeVos to push her ideas about expanding school choice

If confirmed as education secretary by the U.S. Senate, Betsy DeVos will take over a national education system with an improving graduation rate but stagnant test scores, despite a reform effort under the Obama administration that pumped billions into the worst-performing schools.

Ms. DeVos, President Donald Trump’s nominee, is awaiting a Senate committee vote Tuesday. She would likely maintain her commitment to expand the use of charter schools and vouchers for students to attend private school, a departure for a top administrator of an education system built largely on traditional public schools.

“I’m a firm believer that parents should be empowered to choose the learning environment that’s best for each of their individual children,” Ms. DeVos said during her confirmation hearing this month.


Tawnell D. Hobbs|Jan. 31, 2017 5:30 a.m. ET


Wall Street Journal--Charter Schools Seek More Leeway in Hiring Teachers

Proposal would give high-performing charters more latitude to hire teachers and principals who lack traditional preparation and state certification

M.E.T.S. Charter School in Jersey City, N.J., focuses on math, technology and science, but its push to recruit teachers in these hard-to-staff subjects has drawn only a handful of resumes from certified candidates over the past year.

Its leaders are among many charter advocates fighting for a state proposal that would give high-performing charters more leeway to hire teachers and principals who lack traditional teacher preparation and state certification.

Opponents say this change would water down standards and hurt children’s instruction. But supporters predict a worsening teacher shortage in key subjects, especially in high schools, and say overly burdensome regulations keep talented scientists and others from bringing their expertise to classrooms.


Leslie Brody |Jan. 29, 2017 6:59 p.m. ET