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4-1-16 Education in the News
NJ Spotlight--Interactive Map: Kids in Every County in New Jersey At Risk for Lead Poisoning Only difference between richest and poorest counties is the number of children with blood-lead levels at or above the CDC danger threshold...'

NJ Spotlight--DOE Wants to Know If Adolescent Students Should Be Allowed to Sleep In Administration preps for pilot to determine if later start times make for smarter middle-school and high-school kids...'

NJ Spotlight--Interactive Map: Kids in Every County in New Jersey At Risk for Lead Poisoning

Only difference between richest and poorest counties is the number of children with blood-lead levels at or above the CDC danger threshold

Children in every county in New Jersey have potentially toxic levels of lead in their blood, according to state data.

National statistics show that more children living in poverty across the country have elevated levels of lead in their blood than children in families with higher incomes, but even New Jersey's wealthiest counties had children affected by lead.


Colleen O'Dea | April 1, 2016

NJ Spotlight--DOE Wants to Know If Adolescent Students Should Be Allowed to Sleep In

Administration preps for pilot to determine if later start times make for smarter middle-school and high-school kids

Now that the idea of later start times for New Jersey’s middle and high schools has been signed into law, the Christie administration has begun looking more closely into testing the concept and is asking the districts what they think of the idea.

The chief author of the bill said he hopes the state will also ask those most affected: the students themselves.


John Mooney | April 1, 2016